Our Services

Safety Management System

A good Safety Management System (SMS) will give your organisation clear direction on how to manage WHS issues, at the same time helping to cover your due diligence. An organisation may have a collection of policies & procedures which they call a Safety Management System, but the reality is that unless the process is managed correctly, they are just superfluous documents.

The complexity of your safety management system will depend on the size of your business and the nature of your work but it should document WHO, WHAT, WHEN, WHY & HOW.

It must be an organised system and as a minimum clearly demonstrate compliance with legislation. A good SMS will be auditable and not just a folder of unrelated documents. We can work with you to customise your safety management system to ensure you have the who, what, when, why & how covered while improving your workplace safety performance:

  • Review of current SMS and related processes
  • Safety Policy & Safety Procedures
  • Safety management system audit
  • Developing a safety strategy for your business
  • Reporting systems & safety monitoring programs
  • Safety mentoring & leadership development training